Scenario: Murdoch de-indexes his news property from Google and cuts an exclusive deal with Microsoft for inclusion in Bing:
Other media conglomerates will jump in, however, will MSFT will be able to give the same red carpet treat as it gives Murdoch?, probably not.
As major news media jump ship, small standalone companies who dont have the muscle to get a sweet deal from MSFT will remain with Google and will see an exponential growth in traffic. This will make small media companies who in news generation has the lion share stick with Google.
At some point, if things get worse enough, Google will decide to include in the search results those news media companies anyway and ignore the robots.txt because its protected by fair use rule. Google will claim that as long as its available for general public and not behind paywall, it will present them in its search results because its fair use.
One that happens Murdoch will be forced to decide on paywall, if it decides on it, then it see a disastrous drop in traffic, if not MSFT will pull of from its Bing deal.
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