Friday, September 25, 2009

Bookmarklet for "Google Docs Viewer"

Update Bookmarkelt made for Google Docs Viewer, just hit the bookmarklet and it will identify all the 'readable' links in the webpage and highlight those. You can then click those link which directly open through Google Docs Viewer

Drag/Bookmark this [Google Docs - Viewer]

To test the bookmarklet visit and then try the bookmarklet which will highlight the 'PDF' link at the top left hand column.

in reference to: Read PowerPoint and PDF Files Online with Google Docs Viewer (view on Google Sidewiki)

best Guru

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to get Google Sidewiki in your Iphone

First visit this blog/page in your iphone's mobile safari. Then click this link iphone-SideWiki in your iphone and open it then bookmark that page. Then close your safari and reopen it and go to your bookmarks and find the new bookmark you just created and click "edit" and then update the URL by deleting every thing in front of "javascript..."

So should now look like this "javascript:void(location.href=%22"

Check this image, Now save it. And go to and test your bookmarklet. It should show this

update: to get the bookmarklet for your desktop and avoid google toolbar check here

Google SideWiki bookmarklet avoid installing google toolbar

Drag this SideWiki to your bookmark bar of your browser
Clicking on the bookmarklet will show all the sidewiki comments for a that page. No need to install google toolbar
This is useful for mobile browsers, chrome, safari etc

Chrome doesnt parse atom feed so you need to add this {Show Feed} 'additional' bookmarklet to show feed once it shows the garbled feed,
UPDATE: To find how to get SideWiki in your Iphone check this:

this is super

i like this

in reference to:

"we do in connection with our work at Google will be, and should be, measured against the highest possible standards of ethical business"
- Google Investor Relations: Google Code of Conduct (view on Google Sidewiki)

Google Sidewiki entry by S.

I was here, sarahpacsep

in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)

Scam, this is a scam

Scam alert, please dont respond

in reference to: Selling flight credit, 1/2 off (view on Google Sidewiki)

Googles answer to twitter: try this experiment

Type something in sidewiki and then search for those words in google. I commented this here and also opted to blog it here {} automatically, then searched google for the keywords {} the blog item was indexed and publically available within a minute!!

in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)

Isnt this notebook?

Isnt Google Sidewiki google notebook's reincarnation?

in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)

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